Tips to get Home Loans Easily

May 22, 2018

Buying a place to call home is a dream all Indians have. Finding the right home to materialize this dream is just one step of the process. Given the market conditions, choosing the right home loan to finance this dream can be equally important. Here are a few tips to make finding the right home loan easy.   Save for a large down payment The minimum down payment you need…


Tips for NRIs to Invest in Real Estate

May 15, 2018

Investing in real estate for a Non-Residential Indian (NRI) is easier than ever, thanks to the new real estate rules. Non-Residential Indians, holding valid Indian Passports hold rights similar to Indian residents in property ownership norms under the FEMA rules. They may invest in properties such as residential and commercial units; however, they are not permitted to own forest or agricultural land.   NRIs are entitled to these rights and…